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Writer's pictureAl Gord

Don’t Stop Believin’

Tackling the Demons of Creative Block

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” ~ Maya Angelou

Journey had it right – be it in love, goals or creativity we should never stop believing. However as an artist that can be difficult when a creative block hits. Falling into a creative block can feel like hell for artists. I know as I have been there and it can be soul sapping. How does one get out of the creative mind fuck? This is what I have found has helped me.


Stop Trying So Hard /Take a Break

Often when we are stumped, we feel the need to push through and work even “harder” on the task. The reality is nothing could be further from the truth. When we have hit our cognitive capacity, additional effort is not going to make any impact. If anything, it may have the adverse effect and become more detrimental. Think about a time where you have needed to get up early and cannot fall asleep. The more you focus on trying to sleep, the more you are wide awake. The same applies to creating. Instead of placing pressure on yourself, take a break from that specific creative focus. When the time is right you will complete your vision.


Change Things Up


Taking a break can mean one of two things. For some it may mean taking a break from creating completely. For me, I move on to a different project. While there are times I need to take a full pause, I usually am in the mood to create. In those creative block moments, I choose to work on a new painting, revisit another mid-process piece or tackle a creative outlet in another area completely. Often that change in focus will lead to new creative inspiration and help with the artistic challenge I am facing.


Get Into a Different Headspace


If the frustration is mounting, doing something outside of the creative realm may be what the art doctor ordered. Physical activity: however, you want to define it, is a great way to get the frustration out and let the creative juices flow. Some of my best ideas come to me while I am in the gym. For me a high intensity workout opens up my creative outlets. For others being out in nature or socializing might be the cure. Regardless, do not let the creative frustration seep into other aspects of your life.


Be Your Own Inspiration


When one thinks of the tortured artist, they often associate the artist needing a muse. Some of the best creative ventures – books, movies, songs and paintings have been derived from challenges. Channel your inner emotions – outside of the frustration you are feeling and be your own muse. Create to help you heal or to get out the emotions that some see as negative: anger, sadness, hurt. The reality is that all emotions have their place, are normal and are powerful catalysts. Use what you are feeling to create.


Face Your Fears


Sometimes the issue is not inspiration. Sometimes fear is our creative block. I know, I have been there. The worry over trying to be perfect, struggling with fine detail work or the pressure of meeting our own standards. The reality is that fear is often our biggest hurdle, it is what limits us from trying new things, stepping outside of our comfort zone and taking risks. I also know the more that we avoid it, the more our fear grows. So, enjoy the creative discomfort, say fuck it to fear and create.


Have Some Fun


The cure for fear – have fun! The reason most of us go into the arts, be it as a hobby or as a career should be for enjoyment. Never lose sight of that. When facing a creative block go wild and create something totally different. Dabble and have fun with a new idea. When we all start out, we explore, we experiment, and we play around trying to find our voice and our style. Never lose sight of that. When stuck go back to your foundation – and have fun!

Fresh Eyes


Finally, sometimes all we need is a fresh set of eyes, someone who can offer us a different perspective. I have a few trusted people with whom I will share in progress works. I do not always agree with their perspectives, but they have also added great insights and perspectives. When we our immersed in a project, we do not always see the forest form the trees. Take a step back and let someone else be your creative spirt guide.


Nobody enjoys dealing with a creative block – it can be tiring, frustrating and demoralizing. When we see a challenge as an opportunity to growth, we are better equipped to not only deal with the challenge, but better ourselves in the process. Often the pressure we place on ourselves is far greater than anyone else can place on us. Learn to take a step back, be kind to yourself and reframe things. It is amazing how that can reduce the pressure we place on ourselves.


As enjoyable as painting is, keeping things fresh and coming up with original concepts can be difficult at times. In other cases, the concept is there but part way through the painting, something feels off – whether it is a missing piece, the lack of flow or a myriad of other aesthetic elements. That is where the suggestions I have made, the very strategies I apply have helped me through some of those creative struggles.


I hope that I have helped provide you a new perspective on one of the more challenging obstacles in the creative process. Recognizing that this is common and something every artist encounters only makes you that much more of a creative. Take that leap of faith, believe in yourself and grow from the inevitable creative block. I look forward to sharing more of my art journey with you, with a focus on painting and rock and roll through Artist Confidential. If you have topics, you would like me to blog about, please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.

Thanks for reading. Stay creative! Rock your day with everything that you do and be open to experiencing failure and approaching a mistake with a new mindset. It may just lead to a new learning or a beautiful experience.



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